Easily assist 30kg - this set of exosuit exoskeleton has not only output, but also defense - Hyetone industry

well! Is the recent COVID-19 well protected? Do you keep exercising? One person can easily carry a weight of 30 kilograms! Can you do it?


Is it really easy for a person to carry 30kg heavy objects?

The waist and arm exosuit exoskeleton - phes9 metal strong hand, which is the key to make you relaxed.

How does this powerless exosuit exoskeleton manufactured by Guangzhou Hyetone Industrial Technology Co., Ltd. work?


The main functions of phes9 metal strong hand are: waist power protection and upper limb power handling.

When the wearer bends down to carry heavy objects, the assisted exoskeleton will assist the wearer with hand assistance and lumbar assistance through the exoskeleton according to the biomechanical characteristics of human sports, so as to reduce the pressure and torque from L5 / S1 intervertebral disc area and the load of lumbar muscles while quickly responding to the assistance. Effectively realize the function of "EHS man-machine improvement".



For the product concept of "EHS man-machine improvement", we continue to achieve technological breakthrough and development.

For the wellness and happiness of labourers

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Get more information about our exoskeletons for industrial handling, handling aids, WMSD and more. Hyetone -For the wellness and happiness of labourers . For details, please consult our engineering and technical personnel.